
Configuration structure for FB_AxisSync.

TYPE ST_AxisSyncParameters :
    eStartUpMode                : E_Sync_StartUpMode := E_Sync_StartUpMode_Time;
    eFallBackMode               : E_Sync_FallBackMode := E_Sync_FallBackMode_PT1;
    stAxisExtrapolateParameters : ST_AxisExtrapolateParameters;
    stTimeSyncParameters    : ST_TimeSyncParameters;

eStartUpMode: Specifies which mode is used for correction of the set values during the initialization phase, before the phase difference was determined.

eFallBackMode: Mode when the difference between the calculated and original set position is exceeded (see stExtrapolateParameters.fMaxPositionDiff)

stExtrapolateParameters : Configuration structure of the FB_AxisExtrapolateValues block.

stTimeSyncParameters : Configuration structure of the FB_TimeSync block.